Oral surgery | Dental polyclinic Panakeia Belgrade Serbia

An area of dentistry that deals with surgical treatment and treatment of hard and soft tissue of the oral cavity is called oral surgery. 

The very word”surgery” causes fear and repulsion in many patients.However, with the serious approach of our expert team, with adequate anesthesia and given instructions that patients will follow during postoperative recovery, fear and discomfort will be reduced to a minimum. 

In Panakeia office we provide you with fast and quality services at affordable prices. Contact us and schedule a check-up to solve your teeth problem as soon as possible. 

Oral surgical interventions are performed in local anesthesia, they are completely painless, and we will make every effort to make them as pleasant as possible and with as little discomfort as possible.

For information on the prices of services in the field of oral surgery, visit the price page on our site.

Oral surgery includes a wide range of services that are very important in everyday dental practice. Interventions most commonly performed in Panakeia are:

  • Wisdom tooth operation
  • Apicoectomy (resection of the tip of the tooth root)
  • Frenuloectomy
  • Extraction of the teeth (extraction of the root of the teeth)
  • Cystectomy (jaw clean)
  • Bone Augmentation (artificial bone, bone repair)
  • Sinus lift (elevation of the sinus base)
  • Gingivectomy with gingivoplasty (extension of the clinical tooth crown).

Wisdom tooth operation

The wisdom teethappearsome time after all the other teeth, so they sometimes get out of space. Then they can put pressure on other teeth and lead to their movement, which is the most common cause of their extraction. Another reason for their removal is inaccessibility, which makes cleaning difficult, and the surrounding tissues (pericoronitis) or caries develop. The third reason may be their partial growth, which causes food to begin to be stuck between the wisdom teeth and the gums, which also leads to inflammation. The wisdom teeth can be in different positions, which determines the severity of the intervention.

Apicoectomy (resection of the tip of the tooth root)

Oral surgical intervention removing the tip of the tooth root and the surrounding pathologically altered bone, caused by the infection. It is often necessary to perform a complete endodontic treatment before surgery, or remove the infection from the root canal. Apicoectomy is a short-term procedure that gives good results. It implies an accessible cut at the height of the projection of the tip of the root of the tooth, after which the special borers reach the space around the top of the root when it is removed as well as the affected bone around it.

Bone Augmentation (artificial bone, bone repair)

Loss of the tooth also carries the loss of the surrounding bone, which is unfavorable from the point of implant installation. From the functional and aesthetic aspect, in order to achieve optimum results, it is always necessary to apply augmentation, before or during the implant installation. One of the reasons is to provide bone support to the implant, in order to bear the load while functioning. The other reason is aesthetical, because we need a natural form of dental arch and soft tissue, which is only allowed by sufficient amount of bone. Augmentation can be performed using autologous (own) bone or biomaterial, and sometimes combined. The autologous bone is taken from different places, most often from the lower jaw in the area of the wisdom teeth. In the Dental Clinic "Panakeia" we use autologous bone and artificially obtained bone (from bovine hemodialysis) using PRF. PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) which represents growth factors obtained from patient's blood. In the form of a fibrin clot, which, placed in the field of operation, gradually and for a longer period of time, it releases growth factors into surrounding bone and soft tissue. The result of using the PRF is creationof new bones and blood vessels, as well as a considerable reduction in recovery time. Used for:

  • Installation of implants
  • Raising the sinus floor
  • Bone Augmentation
  • Recession Recovery
  • Periodontal surgery
  • Teeth extraction.

Sinus lift (elevation of the sinus base)

Often, after the loss of the upper lateral teeth, there is a significant loss of bone in that region, sometimes only one - two millimeters to the bottom of the maxillary sinus. Sinus lift is a surgical method that provides enough bone in the upper jaw so that the implant can be placed. If bone deficiency is significant, it usually takes a two-phase surgery. In the first phase, the bottom of the sinus is taken off, and the space acquired is filled with the most commonly bone substitute (possibly titanium grids are used), after which there is a break between 6 and 9 months. In the second phase implants are placed. However, in the "Panakeia" Dental Office, we usethe protocol for raising the sinus base and implanting in one phase, using PRF, no matter how much bone remained. This significantly reduces the waiting time until the prosthetic restoration and reduces the stress of the patient due to two oral intrventions.

Gingivectomy with gingivoplasty (extension of the clinical tooth crown)

Surgical intervention for removing the part of thegums. It is used most often for aesthetic reasons, but also within orthodontic and periodontal therapy. For an ideal smile, in addition to the teeth themselves, the relationship between gingiva (gum) and teeth is very important. In cases where this relationship is disturbed, teeth looksmall, and the smile is "full of gums". Such a situation is called - Gummy smile and is resolved precisely by gingivectomy, i.e. by extending the clinical crown of the teeth. Thus, at the expense of the gums, the visible part of the teeth (crowns) is extended, achieving much better aesthetics. This procedure is often combined with the production of facets.


A small surgical intervention that is most commonly performed in patients with a diastem (gap) between the upper anterior teeth. Frenulum is a mucous membrane that connects lips, cheeks and tongue with a jawbone. When overdeveloped, it can have negative consequences for the health of the teeth and gums. Frenulectomy is most often performed in collaboration with an orthodontist or a periodontologist. In case of overdevelopment, the tongue frenulum can cause problems in eating and talking, so it is recommended to remove it.

Extraction of the teeth (extraction of the root of the teeth)

There are many reasons for tooth extraction: advanced caries, periodontopathy,advanced infection - abscess, orthodontic reasons (difficulty) ... In any case, extraction may be:

  • Routine (simple)
  • Complicated tooth extraction, in multi-pointed teeth with a broken crown,when separating the roots is needed in order to get them one by one.
  • Surgical extraction of the teeth, if during root removal it breaks so that a smaller part of the root remains in the jaw, it is a matter of making a small cutin order to lift the mucous membrane and rotate instruments to make space around the broken fragment, after which it is easily removed. The wound is then sewn.

Cystectomy (jaw clean)

Cysts are pathological hollow spaces, oval or pear-shaped, coated with a connective tissue cover which is covered with an epithelium on the inside. They are filled with liquid content. They occur most often in bone tissue, and much less in the soft tissues of the face and neck area. Cysts grow at different pace, and can(with their growth) endanger neighboring teeth, sinuses, nose or lead to the fracture of the jaw.

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