Services | Dental polyclinic Panakeia Belgrade Serbia

Oral surgery 

An area of dentistry that deals with surgical treatment and treatment of hard and soft tissue of the oral cavity is called oral surgery. The very word ”surgery” causes fear and repulsion in many patients. However, with the serious approach of our expert team, with adequate anesthesia and given instructions that patients will follow during postoperative recovery, fear and discomfort will be reduced to a minimum.

In Panakeia office we provide you with fast and quality services at affordable prices. Contact us and schedule a check-up to solve your teeth problem as soon as possible:
+381 60 3322 641
+381 63 322 641

Oral surgical interventions are performed in local anesthesia, they are completely painless, and we will make every effort to make them as pleasant as possible and with as little discomfort as possible.

For information on the prices of services in the field of oral surgery, visit the price page on our site.

Oral surgery includes a wide range of services that are very important in everyday dental practice. Interventions most commonly performed in Panakeia are:- Wisdom tooth operation
- Apicoectomy (resection of the tip of the tooth root)
- Frenuloectomy
- Extraction of the teeth (extraction of the root of the teeth)
- Cystectomy (jaw clean)
- Bone Augmentation (artificial bone, bone repair)
- Sinus lift (elevation of the sinus base)
- Gingivectomy with gingivoplasty (extension of the clinical tooth crown).
- Wisdom tooth operation

The wisdom teeth appear some time after all the other teeth, so they sometimes get out of space. Then they can put pressure on other teeth and lead to their movement, which is the most common cause of their extraction. Another reason for their removal is inaccessibility, which makes cleaning difficult, and the surrounding tissues (pericoronitis) or caries develop. The third reason may be their partial growth, which causes food to begin to be stuck between the wisdom teeth and the gums, which also leads to inflammation. The wisdom teeth can be in different positions, which determines the severity of the intervention.

Apicoectomy (resection of the tip of the tooth root)

Oral surgical intervention removing the tip of the tooth root and the surrounding pathologically altered bone, caused by the infection. It is often necessary to perform a complete endodontic treatment before surgery, or remove the infection from the root canal. Apicoectomy is a short-term procedure that gives good results. It implies an accessible cut at the height of the projection of the tip of the root of the tooth, after which the special borers reach the space around the top of the root when it is removed as well as the affected bone around it.

Bone Augmentation (artificial bone, bone repair)

Loss of the tooth also carries the loss of the surrounding bone, which is unfavorable from the point of implant installation. From the functional and aesthetic aspect, in order to achieve optimum results, it is always necessary to apply augmentation, before or during the implant installation. One of the reasons is to provide bone support to the implant, in order to bear the load while functioning. The other reason is aesthetical, because we need a natural form of dental arch and soft tissue, which is only allowed by sufficient amount of bone. Augmentation can be performed using autologous (own) bone or biomaterial, and sometimes combined. The autologous bone is taken from different places, most often from the lower jaw in the area of the wisdom teeth. In the Dental Clinic "Panakeia" we use autologous bone and artificially obtained bone (from bovine hemodialysis) using PRF. PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) which represents growth factors obtained from patient's blood. In the form of a fibrin clot, which, placed in the field of operation, gradually and for a longer period of time, it releases growth factors into surrounding bone and soft tissue. The result of using the PRF is creation of new bones and blood vessels, as well as a considerable reduction in recovery time. Used for:

- Installation of implants

- Raising the sinus floor

- Bone Augmentation

- Recession Recovery

- Periodontal surgery

- Teeth extraction.

Sinus lift (elevation of the sinus base)

Often, after the loss of the upper lateral teeth, there is a significant loss of bone in that region, sometimes only one - two millimeters to the bottom of the maxillary sinus. Sinus lift is a surgical method that provides enough bone in the upper jaw so that the implant can be placed. If bone deficiency is significant, it usually takes a two-phase surgery. In the first phase, the bottom of the sinus is taken off, and the space acquired is filled with the most commonly bone substitute (possibly titanium grids are used), after which there is a break between 6 and 9 months. In the second phase implants are placed. However, in the "Panakeia" Dental Office, we use the protocol for raising the sinus base and implanting in one phase, using PRF, no matter how much bone remained. This significantly reduces the waiting time until the prosthetic restoration and reduces the stress of the patient due to two oral intrventions.

Gingivectomy with gingivoplasty (extension of the clinical tooth crown)

Surgical intervention for removing the part of the gums.  It is used most often for aesthetic reasons, but also within orthodontic and periodontal therapy. For an ideal smile, in addition to the teeth themselves, the relationship between gingiva (gum) and teeth is very important. In cases where this relationship is disturbed, teeth look small, and the smile is "full of gums". Such a situation is called - Gummy smile and is resolved precisely by gingivectomy, i.e. by extending the clinical crown of the teeth. Thus, at the expense of the gums, the visible part of the teeth (crowns) is extended, achieving much better aesthetics. This procedure is often combined with the production of facets.


A small surgical intervention that is most commonly performed in patients with a diastem (gap) between the upper anterior teeth. Frenulum is a mucous membrane that connects lips, cheeks and tongue with a jawbone. When overdeveloped, it can have negative consequences for the health of the teeth and gums. Frenulectomy is most often performed in collaboration with an orthodontist or a periodontologist. In case of overdevelopment, the tongue frenulum can cause problems in eating and talking, so it is recommended to remove it.

Extraction of the teeth (extraction of the root of the teeth)

There are many reasons for tooth extraction: advanced caries, periodontopathy, advanced infection - abscess, orthodontic reasons (difficulty) ...

In any case, extraction may be:

-Routine (simple)

-Complicated tooth extraction, in multi-pointed teeth with a broken crown, when separating the roots is needed in order to get them one by one.

-Surgical extraction of the teeth, if during root removal it breaks so that a smaller part of the root remains in the jaw, it is a matter of making a small cut in order to lift the mucous membrane and rotate instruments to make space around the broken fragment, after which it is easily removed. The wound is then sewn.

Cystectomy (jaw clean)

Cysts are pathological hollow spaces, oval or pear-shaped, coated with a connective tissue cover which is covered with an epithelium on the inside. They are filled with liquid content. They occur most often in bone tissue, and much less in the soft tissues of the face and neck area.

Cysts grow at different pace, and can (with their growth) endanger neighboring teeth, sinuses, nose or lead to the fracture of the jaw.

All on 4

All on 4 is a modern concept that allows fixed prosthetic work (bridge) even to the patients with an extensive bone loss.

In only one day, the patient receives four implants and a temporary bridge firmly fixed on them.

Whether you have come to the office without teeth, with old, unstable prostheses, or broken teeth, you go out within the same day with fixed teeth and a new smile.

Contact us for more information or schedule a check-up:
+381 60 3322 641
+381 63 322 641

What are the benefits of All on 4 concept

- Reduction of costs

Other forms of reconstruction of the edentulous jaws involve the installation of 6-8 implants, often associated with procedures for raising the sinus base (sinus lift) and the installation of the articular bone, which, in total, makes a significantly higher price.

- Reducing the time and number of interventions

It is common to impregnate the implants after the installation by mucous membrane, and after the completion of the osteointegration (3 to 4 months) they are opened, the components for the formation of the gums (healing abutments) are placed, and the prints are still waiting. All on four will overwhelm all of these stages and will allow you to get a temporary bridge on the same day.

- Expert team

Our specialists in oral surgery and dental prosthetics are certified experts in this field. They were trained at the Malo Clinic of Professor Malo, the inventor of the concept.

- Safety

Recovery is fast, so your life is back to routine fast as well.

In the Panakeia Dental Office we use Nobel Biocare implants, the only supported and specially patented implant system by prof. Malo. What makes it unique are not only dimensions, but also the design tailored to their purpose (external connection, and bicortical fixation). Almost all implant systems allow the implementation of this concept, but only Nobel Biocare supports all necessary performances.

As a more economical way, it is possible to make a classic dental prosthesis, but it is fixated with implants. Fast and elegant fitting of the 2 implants in the lower jaw gives the patient a stable prosthesis that does not move and does not radiate, and is easily removed and cleansed (see more - prostheses on the implants).

All on 4 - price

The surgical part of this concept is 3,000 euros and the price includes:

-installation of Nobel implants

-installation of all connecting elements that connect temporary prosthetic work and placed implants

-making temporary prosthetic work

-all following check-ups

Payment of the SURGERY is the same day when the implants are installed.

After 3-4 months, a definite prosthetic rehabilitation of the patient starts, which lasts for an average of ten days and costs from 2,000-3,000 euros, depending on the choice of material, i.e. what kind of basis for future teeth a patient wants and whether they want composite or ceramic teeth.

Payment of the PROSTHETIC part is made on the day of definitive work submission. 

All on 4 - the experience of our patients

I would like to thank Panakeia dental office for a successful implant intervention. I had an enormous fear that this intervention would hurt me very much. Now, a month after the intervention, I can say that I am surprised by the absolute absence of pain during and after the intervention. Frankly, I can recommend it to anyone in need of such an intervention to come to the Panakeia dental office without any fear, with much confidence.

- Dragoljub Glišić, Frankfurt

I had major problems with teeth in the lower jaw, especially after neck surgery and postoperative radiation treatment. For the rehabilitation of this problem, I decided to go to the Panakeia dental office. It was necessary to remove all teeth from the lower jaw. Experts from Panakeia suggested me the denture of All on 4. In just 2 days all teeth were removed from my lower jaw, implants were implanted, and a temporary fixed prosthesis was installed which was excellent for me in the next 3 months. After that, I installed a fixed permanent prosthesis that I am extremely satisfied with. I feel a new prosthesis as my own teeth. All employees in the office stayed in my very good memory thanks to their professionalism and politeness.

- Nenad Pantic, Jagodina

I did not believe that a problem like mine can be resolved in one day. My teeth were swollen, I felt pain, I could not eat, and aesthetically they were far from satisfactory. From my colleague I heard about the Panakeia Dental Practice and the solution they offer. I came in the morning, frightened, and in the afternoon I came out with a beautiful smile and no pain!

I would recommend to anyone who is struggling with teeth or clingy prostheses to come to Panakeia and receive nice and solid teeth which will last forever.

- Olga Tilger


The best solution when missing one or more teeth is – a dental implant. Implants are embedded in the jawbone, take over the role of the tooth root, and then access prosthetic care, with made crowns, bridges or prostheses on the implants. In the last 50 years, implantology has undergone great technological advances, so today there is literally no unsolvable problem, i.e. a patient who cannot receive implants.

An increasing number of patients who decide to install dental implants because they also avoid grinding healthy surrounding teeth, and in places where it was previously impossible to make crowns or bridge, they now receive a fixed work that will provide them with the most natural feel of natural teeth. We offer you a quality and fast service, it is only for you to contact us, schedule a check-up and let us give you a smile in which you will fully enjoy:
+381 60 3322 641
+381 63 322 641

Dental implantology provides solutions for all forms of edema, from the lack of one tooth, through partial numbness to the restoration of total edema. In some cases it is about quick and simple therapy, while on the other hand, there are cases that require multidisciplinary treatment for several months.

The disadvantage of one or more teeth missing is most often solved by implanting or bridge construction. Both solutions have advantages and disadvantages. Bridge construction is faster and cheaper, but the biological price is high, as healthy tooth tissue is destroyed, and teeth caries are often overburdened. Implants cost more, but protect teeth exactly from grinding and overloading. Dental implants replace the missing teeth root and form the basis for prosthetic repair that connects them (crown, bridge, denture). In the last 50 years, implantology has undergone great technological advances, so today there is virtually no unsolvable problem, i.e. a jaw which cannot be implanted.

Detailed examination before implanting

Implant placement is preceded by a very detailed patient overview and 3D image analysis. In the Panakeia Dental Practice, a review for implant therapy is performed by a consilium composed of an oral surgeon, a dental prosthetist and a specialist in periodontology. In doing so, we decide which procedures will be applied in each case.

One tooth replacement

Compensation of more teeth

Compensation of all teeth in the jaw

Sinus lift

Bone Augmentation

All on 4

The process of installation itself is painless and is performed in local anesthesia, with a very slow postoperative course. Today's implants are made of titanium, which means they are biocompatible and practically do not have contra-indications for older than 18 years. The patient's cooperation is crucial for the duration of implants, because oral hygiene is extremely important. Namely, the creation of plaque around the implant stimulates the formation of stones that leads to inflammation of the gums around the implant (periimplantitis). Extreme cases can result in loss of implants. In order to avoid such situations, regular controls must not be forgotten.

Installation of implants requires a high level of education, a dental team and technicians, as well as a technologically equipped office. That's why the Panakeia Dental Practice is the right choice for you.


The implant itself is not the purpose of the therapy, but it enables the provision of prosthetic restoration for lost teeth. As with natural teeth and implants, crowns, bridges and prostheses (carried by implants) can be made. Crowns and bridges on implants are fixed works, that is, the patient cannot get them out of the mouth, so they provide significant comfort and confidence to the patient. By type of material they can be metal-ceramic and non-metallic. A big difference is in the binding of crowns to the implant:

The screw-connected crowns are a much better solution, as there is no danger of excess cement. Also, a dentist can always unscrew the crown and thus provide access to the implant, if necessary. Cemented crowns, a less suitable solution due to the danger of excess cement that causes the most significant complication in implant-periimplantitis. Furthermore, such compensation cannot be removed from the implant and restored, as opposed to the screw-connected crowns. On the other hand, in some situations, these crowns are aesthetically superior.

Take care of the health of your teeth. Schedule your check-up, and our team of experts will suggest the best solution and make sure your smile is shiny:
+381 60 3322 641
+381 63 322 641


The most common complication of implant therapy is a pathological process similar to periodontal disease in natural teeth. Implants create deposits as in the teeth, and if they are not cleaned they regularly come to gingivitis (periimplatative mucositis), when the gums around the implants become more or less swollen, red and bleeding. At this stage, the problem is simply solved by removing deposits. However, if the patient does not respond and the deposits are not removed (and does not improve oral hygiene), the bone is also affected in the future. Periimplantitis represents the breakdown of the bone around the implants, whose stability weakens. If treatment is not started on time, implant loss may occur. Precisely for the purpose of prophylaxis of periimplantitis, great attention should be paid to oral hygiene. Treatment is carried out on several levels:

- Mechanical cleaning of the tissue around the implants, special curettes, to remove the pathologically altered soft tissue;

- Using Helbo Laser (Photodynamic Therapy), which destroys the pathogenic microorganisms responsible for periimplantitis;

- Augmentative techniques, if necessary bone substitutes and PRF;

- Antibiotic therapy.

- Prosthetics

Nowadays, prosthetics is much more than making the benefits for the patient. Modern prosthetic remedies also aim at superior aesthetics, which implies a completely natural appearance of teeth. This is made possible by the exceptional development of dental materials and the use of modern computer systems. After a detailed dental examination and insight into the condition of your teeth, a decision is made as to what kind of prosthetic care would be the best in your case. In our dental office - Panakeia you get everything in one place, fast, efficient and quality.

Call us and schedule your check-up.

Crowns (toothpicks)

They reconstruct the complete tooth both functionally and aesthetically, reinforce it, shape it and fit in with the dental row. They are applied in heavily damaged teeth, devitalized or teeth with high volumes or irregularities. Also, they are made in the teeth that will be bridge supports. The examination determines whether it is necessary to prepare teeth endodontic (nerve extraction) or periodontal. It is also assessed whether the endodontically treated tooth will need to be reinforced with a fiberglass anchor.

After preparation for crowns (preparation-grinding), temporary crowns are made. There is a printout, making a crown in a dental laboratory, tests and, when satisfied both the dentist and the patient, the cementing of the toothbrush is approached.

Metal-ceramic or non-metallic toothcrowns

Until recently, metal-ceramic crowns were more commonly chosen than non-metallic crowns. Metal-ceramic crowns as the basis have a metal through which the ceramics are applied in the appropriate color. They fulfil all functional and aesthetic requirements.

However, in the case of front teeth, the best choice are ceramic (non-metallic) crowns, which satisfy even the highest aesthetic standards. Unlike metallic - ceramic, non - metallic crowns transmit light, which gives them a much more natural appearance. Then, there is no danger of the appearance of the dark edge on the right, which sometimes happens with metal - ceramic crowns. They are much better fitting into the dental row, which is very important when only a few crowns are made, because they are hard to distinguish from natural teeth. Today's choice of ceramics (primarily zirconium) allows for durability in the lateral region, not only in the front.

Dental bridges

Bridges are one of the solutions when one or more teeth are missing. The carriers are adjacent teeth, which must be prepared, (grind for crowns). This makes them an inferior solution in relation to a bridge with implants, especially if there are 3 or more teeth missing. The reason is the overload of the tooth carrier. Bridges are made in the final phase of treatment of periodontitis, when they serve to fix moving, loose teeth. They can also be combined with prostheses. Similar to crowns, bridges can be metal - ceramic and non-metallic. Prices of crowns can be found in our price list.

Facets (veneers)

Thin ceramic tiles that are fixed to the outside surface of your teeth are a great solution to achieve a perfect smile. They are used for mild irregularities in the position and shape of the teeth, sputtered, worn, cracked teeth... The great advantage of the facets is that they require minimal grinding (removal of the tooth substance), and sometimes they are made without any grinding (non-prep veneers). They can also be made of composites (white seals), but ceramics are a much better solution in terms of aesthetics and durability. They are perfectly combined with non-metallic crowns and bridges.

Another situation where the facets are the ideal solution is when there are the spaces between the teeth (diastemas), where the teeth get a completely natural, new look. Whether they are made on a smaller number of teeth or to reconstruct the entire smile, the facets always look natural and beautiful.


In the event of a greater destruction of the tooth crown, fill- seals are often not satisfactory. Patients complain of food retaining and often plowing the edges of the filling. In these cases, inlays or onlays are a far better solution. They look like seals, but they are made using CAD technology.


If the patient is left without all his teeth, one of the solutions is making complete dentures. Their aesthetics most often meets all the criteria, but as far as comfort is concerned, they are not ideal solutions. But, in spite of their shortcomings and initial difficulties, patients are adapted after some time. Of course, a better solution is the concept of all on four, which, with the help of four implants, reconstructs the entire tooth arch, a bridge that is fixed on the implants.

If the patient retains some of the teeth, the dentures are partial skeletal prostheses, the so-called -wisil. Their base is made of metal skeleton, and the surface is minimally reduced, which means greater comfort for patients, less sense of foreign body in the mouth and better stability during the function. The great advantage of skeletal prosthesis is in the fact that it performs a physiological transfer of pressure while chewing over the remaining teeth, while relieving jaw bones and preventing their resorption.

Skeletal partial prostheses can also be combined with fixed prosthetics, where the connection between the prosthesis and the bridge is made of precise bonding elements, the so-called attachments. These combined works satisfy all aesthetic and functional requirements. 


Specialist branch of dentistry dealing with diseases of the tooth support device. Today, in addition to caries, periodontal disease (periodontitis) is considered to be the most widespread disease of the human species. The main cause of tooth loss in the 45-year-olds. Part of the problem lies in the fact that the symptoms of this disease are quite mild. Mostly no pain, and the occasional bleeding of the gums most people do not take seriously. It is only when the disease arrives to the terminal stage, in which the teeth rush and fall out, the patients seek help. Then, unfortunately, it's too late for a successful therapy.

To prevent such an event, it is necessary to react on time, so if you notice any symptom of gum disease, set aside time for yourself and schedule a check-up immediately:

Periodontopathy causes dental plaque, nasal deposits where more than 80% are bacteria and cannot be eliminated by rinsing. In cases of insufficient or inadequate oral hygiene, mineral salts are deposited in the tooth plaque so that a dental stone is formed along the gingiva edge. Dental stone causes gingivitis (inflammation of the gum) because it prevents cleaning and self-cleaning, and second, by pressing the gums it disturbs the circulation. Gingivitis is the first phase of periodontal disease, it is an inflammation of gums, and it is manifested by the edema, redness, and bleeding of the gums, and later a bad breath appears. If gingivitis is not treated, further inflammation extends to bone and periodontium (fibers that bind tooth bone). Periodontal pockets, spaces between teeth, bones and gums are formed. In time, there is a withdrawal of the gums, a gap between the teeth appears and a difficult, painful chewing occurs. Not only do the teeth begin to swing and come out, but periodontal pockets are also focuses which can affect the distant tissues and organs (focal infections), primarily the heart valves, joints and the brain.

In addition to dental plaque, periodontitis is also facilitated by smoking, diabetes, orthodontic abnormalities, dental defects, etc. Periodontal disease cannot be completely cured, but by professional treatment it can be stopped and put under control. Therapy in the initial phase of gingivitis includes the removal of dental calculus and soft deposits, as well as the education and motivation of the patient in maintaining oral hygiene. If pockets are already present, depending on their depth and localization, there are two types of therapy:

Conservative treatment (cleaning of pockets) - after removing dental stone and under the influence of local anesthesia with curettes, pathologically altered tissue of the periodontium is removed. The result of cure is to reduce the depth of the periodontal pockets and to create a new soft tissue attachment. Surgical treatment is applied if the pockets are too deep to access with the instruments. MWRO, known as the "slit of surgery," is performed by gums exiting to fully access the periodontal pocket. If periodontitis causes severe bone destruction and deep bone pockets, the defects are compensated by the bone substitute in combination with PRF, Emdogain or membranes.

The last stage in the treatment of all stages of periodontitis is the maintenance of the results achieved. During regular controls, the periodontologist measures the depth of the periodontal pockets and compares them with the results obtained at the end of the therapy. Based on this, possibly, one of the conservative treatment methods is repeated. 

Recession (gum withdrawal)

The recession is the movement of the gingiva level in the direction of the top of the teeth root. It can occur on individual teeth, tooth groups or more or less on all teeth present. Gum withdrawal is not only the loss of soft tissue, but also bone, which inevitably leads to tooth loss. In addition to the dental plaque as a trigger, in the recession of individual teeth or a smaller number of teeth, the following are also important:

- occlusive trauma, occurs when the tooth comes into contact with the teeth of the opposite jaw before other teeth;

- the loss of certain teeth, both due to overload, and because of the change in the position of the remaining teeth, so they "emerge" into empty spaces, lean, migrate;

- Orthodontic abnormalities often lead to overload of certain teeth, and cleaning is difficult in some cases;

- poor brushing technique, or aggressive brushing - using hard brush, horizontal movement with brush, higher pressure than desirable;

- high frenulum and plaque attachment, the case when these mucous membranes are attached in the immediate vicinity of the tooth's edge. As a result, the muscular tow is transferred to the gums, so they are separated from the teeth and dragged towards the root;

- Inadequate prosthetics and fillings, if they swing, are too wide or have led to occlusal trauma.

Recession therapy is carried out in three steps: removal of causes, surgical therapy and proper maintenance of oral hygiene. Surgical therapy involves covering a recession or transplant taken from the palate or artificial materials that have the same role.

Removal of dental stone

It is performed by an ultra-sounding device that produces micro vibrations, i.e., micro impacts on the surface of the stone, which results in waste in the parts from the surface of the teeth. The probes also enter periodontal pockets to remove subgingival concrements ( stones). After the removal of the solid deposits, the teeth are polished with special brushes and pastes in order to obtain a smooth and shiny surface of the teeth. If you're interested in the cost of removing stones, you can visit our pricelist page.


Orthopedics of jaw or orthodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that deals with the correction of an improper position of teeth and jaw, and as the result, it establishes the harmony of the face as a whole. Teeth in the wrong place or wrong teeth disturb aesthetics and affect the health of the oral cavity. Orthodontic therapy is most often performed in children or adolescents, but it is possible at any age - there is no age limit.

Before starting orthodontic therapy, a comprehensive analysis of the problem is necessary, as diagnostics and analysis are the most important part of the therapy. It involves making gypsum models, taking pictures and analyzing images. Based on the results, an individual treatment plan is chosen, unique for each patient.

Contact us, visit our dental clinic and enjoy the perfect smile:

- The basic forms of orthodontic therapy are:

- Therapy with fixed apparatus (fixed prosthesis)

- Foils

- Mobile appliances

- Therapy with fixed apparatus (fixed prosthesis)

Today it is the golden standard of modern orthodontics. It consists of braces through which the wired arch passes and actually corrects the teeth. There are several types of fixed appliances, and patients usually make them white and metal. White or aesthetic appliances make transparent or white braces, they are less noticeable, and are easier for the patients. Standard appliances are metal structures that give better results at the end.

The therapy with a fixed appliance lasts approximately 18-24 months, and the control check-ups are scheduled in 3-6 weeks.

For a good result, it is of utmost importance that the appliance and teeth are properly maintained. Healthy teeth and gums contribute to the durability and quality of the results achieved.

Upon completion of the therapy, when both the patient and the orthodontist are satisfied with the results, the fixed apparatus is removed and a retention period occurs, in which the bone is recovering from the changes, and the teeth need to be kept in the achieved position. Retention film is a silicone appliance similar to a tooth guard, worn at night and as much as possible during the day. In some cases, it is recommended to glue a very thin wire from the inside of the tooth, which prevents unwanted tooth movement. You can see the prices of fixed dentures on our website price list.

Mobile appliances (prostheses for children)

The success of the orthodontic therapy, in which a mobile appliance is used, depends on the discipline of the patient in respect of the instructions and the regular wearing of the apparatus. They are extremely efficient because they can also move jaws and teeth. They are often prescribed in the first phase of orthodontic treatment until the permanent teeth emerge, when the therapy is continued with the fixed apparatus. It is necessary to wear them daily for a minimum of 8 hours, and if they have a screw, the patient must turn it regularly, so that the tooth's arch widens and the teeth move. It is also necessary to maintain them well and keep dry, so that they do not have a stone on them. At the request of our small patients, we can make them in spattered colors to be cool. Prices for mobile prostheses can be found on our website price list.


Dental correction foils are a more comfortable alternative to fixed appliances for easier cases of improper teeth positioning. They are virtually invisible, they are significantly more comfortable 22-24 hours a day. When eating, they are removed and washed with brush, as well as teeth, after each meal. The foils are designed and manufactured by computer, based on prints, and most often a set of at least three foils is needed, and the harder the case, the more are needed. They gently move the teeth, and once one completes their part of the therapy, the following is needed. The software simulates the movement of the teeth and divides it into the number of necessary foils, each of which moves the tooth by 0.25-0.30mm. However, foils cannot help in all cases, it is necessary to leave the assessment to the orthodontist.

Do you need a dentist?

Call us and make an appointment.

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